Artist | Chris Martin’s Fearless Exploration through Painting
How to be an accessible nonconformist? Simply mimic the mantras and actions of Chris Martin. If only that were a feasible task for the innocent bystander. Chris Martin decided to march to his own drummer within the art world in 1993. He found a tiny space with good bones in a 1950’s building in Dallas and chose to show his own paintings, curating and carefully controlling the experience his buyers would have with his work. It worked. His decisions continue to be “gut based” and lucky for him, he is blessed with good instincts.
While he taps into the flow and channel, the “magical realm” in the creative process, he’s not just going with the flow. Here are some Martin mantras: don’t give up your power or vision to anyone in business, believe in your dreams (literally), when in a bind - do what is reasonable and get back to work! Failure is not an option, be vigilant, connect with people, give back, goals are limiting-stay challenged, necessity is the mother of invention and do not show it until it’s right!

ASPEN DAILY NEWS | October 12, 2017
Aspenites Mobilize for Large Effort to Aid Houston Pets
A Mercedes van laden with pallets of dog and cat food, leashes, collars, cat litter, toys and other assorted items is en route from Aspen to Houston, where a board member of the nonprofit that supports the Aspen Animal Shelter is helping care for hundreds of dogs in the flood-ravaged city.
After Hurricane Harvey, shelter executive director Seth Sachson, Bland Nesbit, a board member of Friends of the Aspen Animal Shelter, and renowned artist Christopher Martin of Aspen, a longtime supporter of the facility, put their heads together on how to aid pets in the city. “We said at the least, let’s get some supplies [to Houston] and bring back some animals,” Sachson said.
Martin called two days later seeking a way to help. His vans regularly deliver art between Dallas and Aspen, but he has done much more than simply provide transportation for the effort. As his wife, Stacie, and their two children helped load bag after bag, along with innumerable cans of wet dog and cat grub on Wednesday afternoon, the paint-splattered Martin handed Sachson a check for $18,500. Martin raised the money by selling nearly 30 paintings, including nine that sold in a single night.

Cavallo de Corsa | Ferrari Owners Charitable Foundation | Volume IV
The Artist | Christopher Martin
Jackson Pollock once said, "Every good painter paints what he is.” Christopher Martin embodies this statement. As a painter, philanthropist, and family man fond of the outdoors, the palpable qualities of his personality shine through in his work as clearly as the sun reflecting off snow in winter.
At his home in Aspen, with a serene backdrop of coniferous trees, crisp air, and expansive outdoor spaces, Martin’s creative muse is the natural beauty of the land and nature itself. For Martin, passionate with his words when describing his work, inspiration comes in many forms, expressed in ethereal works of equal diversity.
“My work has been referred to as ‘organic expressionism,’ so nature has a profound aesthetic influence on my painting. If a work is successful to me it must look as much formed by nature as it was painted by hand… My Halo series evokes the droplets of rain landing on in the calmness of a pond. Another series, Kavala, is inspired by the shadows that branches cast on the snow; Vireo, by watching the spiraling dives of raptors from the deck of my studio; and Luna is inspired by the feminine lines of a woman and the color of the moon.”